CHEM 2211 Chapter 3 (Part 2): Structural Representations
2h 54m
Fall 2024 Note: Due to the updated textbook, below is a breakdown of the content within each chapter of the new textbook. The sections have also been labeled with their corresponding chapter number in the new textbook.
Chapter 2 Content (new textbook): Pages 3 - 10
Chapter 3 Content (new textbook): Pages 11 - 20
Section 1: An Introduction to Structural Representations 00:56 **CH 2**
Section 2: The Newman Projection 04:18 **CH 2**
Section 3: Assembling Newman Projections 38:57 **CH 2**
Section 4: The Sawhorse Projection 1:25:37 **CH 2**
Section 5: Cyclohexane, the King of Cyclic Rings 1:30:46 **CH 3**
Section 6: Cyclohexane Energetics 1:45:52 **CH 3**
Section 7: Assembling Chair Conformations 1:55:24 **CH 3**
Section 8: Quantifying Chair Flips 2:19:50 **CH 3**
Section 9: Combining Newmans with Cyclic Rings 2:28:52 **CH 3**
Section 10: Strain Energy 2:36:18 **CH 3**
Section 11: Naming Compounds from a Newman Projection or Chair Conformation 2:48:27 **CH 3**